Computer Repair & Maintenance Services! Onsite/Remote!
I provide freelance computer repair services. I work full time as an I.T. Coordinator. I have 10 plus year experience in computer hardware and software. I'm also familiar with the Mac OS and Windows OS. I provide quality services and products, excellent customer service and I strive to build long term relationship with my clients. Let's face it the economy don't seam to be getting better. Therefore we are backing up in time to that good old small business shopping and servicing experience.
Software Services include:
Windows OS installations
( XP, Vista, Server, Windows 7) Activated, and updates enabled
Antivirus installation
Spyware Installation
MS Office Installation
(office 2003, office 2007, office 2010) Activated and update enabled
Adobe Photo Shop (7.0, CS5 Extended edition )
Nero Platinum HD
Hard drive recovery
Blue screen problems
Hardware Installation Service:
Custom computer systems
Hard Drive
Power supply
Screen replacement
Wifi routers
Network systems
I also provide graphic design services. I have a universal mind and eye.
My services include:
Business card design (full color)
Club/Post card flyers (full color)
Brochure (full color)
Web flyers
Website design
Photo Editing
Classified ads
CD covers
DVD covers
Letter heads
And more!!!!!!